MeerKAT Detects Gravitational Wave Background, Uncovering Cosmic Activity

MeerKAT Detects Gravitational Wave Background, Uncovering Cosmic Activity

[ad_1] A significant breakthrough in astrophysics has been achieved, with scientists confirming the presence of a gravitational wave background—a constant vibration in the fabric of the universe. This discovery, reported in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, highlights that the phenomenon could be louder than previously anticipated. The findings are attributed to the MeerKAT…

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Could thunderstorms be impacting ultra-high-energy gamma ray readings

Could thunderstorms be impacting ultra-high-energy gamma ray readings

[ad_1] Observations of ultra–high-energy gamma rays, considered a breakthrough in cosmic studies, are raising questions regarding their accuracy due to potential interference from thunderstorms. Gamma rays exceeding one petaelectronvolt (PeV) were detected by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) in Tibet, hinting at cosmic accelerators far surpassing any particle collider on Earth. However,…

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NASA Finds Black Hole Rotating at Unexpected Angle in NGC 5084 Galaxy

NASA Finds Black Hole Rotating at Unexpected Angle in NGC 5084 Galaxy

[ad_1] NASA researchers have identified a black hole within galaxy NGC 5084 that appears to be rotating at an unexpected angle relative to the surrounding galaxy, according to recent reports. This intriguing revelation was achieved by re-analysing legacy data from NASA‘s Chandra X-ray Observatory with innovative techniques. The analysis revealed an unusual structure of four…

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New Study Challenges Planet Formation Models with PDS 70b’s Chemical Mystery

New Study Challenges Planet Formation Models with PDS 70b’s Chemical Mystery

[ad_1] New research on PDS 70b, a forming exoplanet located approximately 400 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus, suggests that prevailing models of planet formation may require revision. According to a study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, astronomers found a mismatch between the chemical composition of the planet’s atmosphere and the surrounding protoplanetary disk from…

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