This morning, an unexpected explosion happened close to the CRPF School in Prashant Vihar, Rohini, Delhi, at around 7:50 am. The cause of the blast is still unknown. Authorities have clarified that the explosion did not specifically aim at or target the school itself. Fortunately, no one was harmed during the incident.
However, the blast did not cause damage to the area. It affected part of the school’s boundary wall, nearby shops, and a car that was parked in the vicinity. Despite these damages, there were no casualties or direct impacts on individuals. The authorities are investigating further to uncover the source and reason behind the blast.
The Delhi Fire Services (DFS) received a call about the incident at 7:47 am. In response, they quickly sent two fire engines to the location to manage any potential fire or hazardous situation. However, when they arrived, they found that there was no fire at the scene. Officials and locals reported a loud noise from the blast, which led to panic in the area. The sound was strong enough to alarm nearby residents and businesses, but no one was injured.
A police forensic team, the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), and the bomb disposal squad are currently on spot investigating the scene, collecting evidence to determine the cause of the blast. Authorities have yet to confirm the source, and further details are awaited.