Xiaomi 15 Ultra is expected to launch as the successor to the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, which was unveiled in China in February. Key details of the upcoming handset have surfaced online over the past few weeks. The phone is expected to launch with a Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset and run on Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0 out-of-the-box, similar to the Xiaomi 15 and Xiaomi 15 Pro handsets, which were introduced in October. Several expected features of the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, including camera specifications, have been tipped previously. The same details have been leaked again alongside the phone’s probable launch timeline.
Xiaomi 15 Ultra Launch Timeline, Camera Features (Expected)
The Xiaomi 15 Ultra is expected to launch in China in February 2025, according to a Weibo post by tipster Digital Chat Station (translated from Chinese). He added that the launch will take place “really the end of the month,” which suggests it could happen on February 28, 2025.
Another tipster Smart Pikachu backed this claim in a separate post, adding that the Xiaomi 15 Ultra was expected to arrive with an upgraded macro sensor, large aperture across the focal range and low-light telephoto camera.
In a different post, tipster Digital Chat Station claimed that the Xiaomi 15 Ultra would likely get a 1-inch 50-megapixel main rear sensor, a secondary 50-megapixel sensor paired with an ultra-wide-angle lens and another 50-megapixel sensor with a telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom capacity. The quad rear camera unit of the handset is tipped to include a 200-megapixel telephoto shooter as well with support for up to 4.3x optical zoom.
Previous leaks have suggested that the Xiaomi 15 Ultra is expected to get a Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC, IP69-rated builds for dust and water resistance and wireless charging support. The handset will likely get a 2K quad-curved display and ship with Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0.
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